Friday, February 8, 2013

What? A Blog? Ha!

So, I have a blog.  I never thought I had anything so important to say that I needed a blog. I mean, it seems a little presumptuous.  Don't you think?  That the world just HAS to hear what I have to say! 

Well, you won't hear this often but... I was wrong. I have learned that blogging is a great way to share and learn new ideas for storytime, as well as simply providing a place for me to share all of my ridiculous stories. (because I have a ton of them my friends!)

Storytime has become a major part of my life as a Library Assistant. I absolutely love to share exciting books with kids and watch as they experience the book for the first time, and even sometimes for the one hundredth time. Either way, it is a new experience for them and it brings me joy to be the one sharing it.

I am very fortunate to work with three other outstanding library assistants and one amazing librarian. Together we provide several storytimes within our library as well as outreach storytimes to schools and child care centers. Currently, I plan and provide a weekly baby and me storytime for infants to 18 months, a toddler storytime for ages 18 months to 3 years and a preschool storytime for ages 3 years to 5 years.

In addition to storytimes, we also provide other programs for children. Once a month our library hosts Footloose Friday for toddlers and preschoolers to come and shake, wiggle and move with us!  Toddler and preschool programs tend to be the most successful programs within our library system.  We do, however, try our best to provide programs for older children. We have monthly programs for school-agers as well as teens. These programs give older kids an opportunity to come and participate in hands-on activities and hopefully meet some new friends too.  Teens are definitely our biggest challenge here. I'm sure I will  elaborate more on that in future posts.

Anyway, that is the gist of what I will be blogging about. I am open-minded and like constructive criticism. I welcome any and all suggestions, ideas and comments. I look forward to joining the blogging world.  I only ask that you go easy on me... I'm a newbie guys!

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